Now I have heard a lot of crazy mess come out of the mouths of politicians and entertainers that I thought WTF and most times I just move past it and say to myself there not racist there just dumb, Charlie Mike "continue mission", but other times I say to my self I just can't meaning I have to say something about this. Like so many older people, I occasionally fool myself into thinking I've heard it all only to be proven wrong the next day and Donald trump constantly reminded me of that every time he opens his mouth.

Guys I'm about too dive into the inconsistent world of Donald Trump and the Republican Party and to be honest I try not to post about politics, because we live in a very polarized cancel society with key board worriars and my wife wants me to keep my job. But when Trump said, "black people like him because he's been discriminated against in the legal system or because he has a mug shot." I rolled my eyes and again thought to myself, "I just cant."
Police Brutality and Use of Force:
Now given the fact that DJT is facing over 90 something felony counts but still allowed to walk around free would make anyone forget about the time he took out a full page ad in the New York regarding the Central Park Five. The Central Park Five were five Black and Latino males who were wrongly accused and convicted of assaulting a female jogger in Central Park and openly calling for them to get the death penalty for this. Even after the men were exonerated, Trump refused to apologize for what he did and said.

Traffic Stops and racial profiling:
Who knew Trump had melanin he must because he knows who it feels to be stoped and arrested for driving while black then asked to exit his vehicle place his hands on the hood and proceeded to get a TSA pat down you know the unwanted stop and frisk, but I doubt he knows because the police don't discriminate against people with orange skin. The irony is almost as thick as the traffic ticket.
Arrest Rates:
I wonder high many times DJT has pulled over and arrested for having a tail light out with guns drawn for not saying yes sir enough times then beat for not complying fast enough. Again I'm guessing this has never happened. Normally African Americans are playing the lead role in this unjust comedy, receiving applause for offenses their white counterparts get away with. Cue the eye rolls.
Sentencing Disparities:
When DJT was arrested I don't recall him having to wait weeks and months to get a public defender. The same public defenders who are over worked and underpaid and when they do show up they just ask you to plead out in order to keep it moving. African Americans get longer sentences for the same offenses as their white counterparts .
I'm also guessing DJT has not had to worry about making bail nor his dad when he was arrested at a Klan rally but, I digress the typical black defendant often does not have the means of posting bail and has to resort to either a family member or a bail's bondsman that's if they post bail more often than not they remain in custody. The bail bond system is still considered by many even in the legal profession to be discriminatory, as it requires low income defendants to stay in jail, The Prison Polocy Inicitiave reports that about 536,000 people are being held in jails in the U.S. because they cannot afford bail or a bail bondsman's services.

"Then there's the Mug shot, when's the last time you saw a black man use his mug shot as a way to fundraise"
Most people try to hid the fact that they have been arrested, not use the fact like its some sort of exclusive club with a secret handshake or a badge of courage. Its the kind of information that gets stashed away in the "Do Not Dsisturb" drawer, right next to your cring worthy haircut from the '90s I had a Jerry Curl. Because, lets face it, admitting you've been on the wrong side of the law isn't exactly a dinner party icebreaker or something you put on your resume. Employers, armed with background checks, sometimes act as if a criminal record is a scarlet letter that defines an individual forever. For black men, who already face systmic barriers, this can be a double whammy. The lingering specter of racial bias, coupled with a criminal record, transforms job interviews into an obstacle course where the finish line seems to move farther and farther away, and lets face it you cant steal from your job get fired then four years later go back and ask for the job again.
For Trump to compare his legal experience to that of an African American simply shows how privileged and detached he is from reality. His pitch that he is in any way like the rest of Americans black or white is a pathetic attempt to pander for our votes but I guess it works. So to wrap up this comedy special, let's remember that the laughs are in short supply when it comes to racial disparities in our legal system. It's time for a rewrite, a script that champions fairness and equality. Because in the grand sitcom of life, justice should be the punchline we're all waiting for.